Making Profits with Screen Printing Business
GLOBAL DIGITAL TIMES | Making Profits with Screen Printing Business - Screen printing is a work of art that is poured with t-shirt media . Screen printing is part of the production process in the garment industry, the screen printing division gives the final touch to a t-shirt to make it more valuable and attract buyers. Screen printing is a combination of art, technology and skill .
Before we discuss more about the world of screen printing , it's a good idea to first understand the actual description of screen printing. What is meant by screen printing is an attempt to copy or transfer image objects into other media such as paper, cloth, t-shirts , wood and so on. The purpose of screen printing is an attempt to duplicate images in large quantities.
Designing an image requires high creativity and art. The process of drawing a pattern for a t-shirt requires careful thought so that the image can be accepted by market/consumer tastes.
The screen printing process of drawing/writing designs needs computer assistance so that the design is more perfect without any mistakes. The touch of technology does not only stop at the image design level, when the image is finished, it still requires negative film, painting processes and so on.
History of Screen Printing
Screen printing is a technology from the printing branch. It is said that screen printing technology was first discovered in Sakura Country, Japan. Simple screen printing technology was invented by Zikukeo Hirose in 1654-1736. Zikukeo Hirose applies a simple screen printing technique to the production of kimono and yukata fabrics.
At that time, printed kimono and yukata were very expensive. Images that are mostly applied to kimono are Japanese floral, such as cherry blossoms, crissants and chrysanthemums. At that time they still used textile coloring paints made from natural ingredients.
The screen printing technique was later adapted by the West and Europe to be better developed and applied to the fashion industry . Since then, screen printing, which at first could only produce simple images with one color, was developed to become more modern. Screen printing techniques can also produce colorful designs and screen printing has become an important part of the world's fashion industry .
Screen printing can also be used as a commercial business that brings many profits, because screen printing and clothing are an inseparable unit. The screen printing business has never known a famine. The target market for the screen printing business is so broad, from government agencies, schools, as well as mass organizations and political parties.
Screen Printing Techniques Stages
Screen printing techniques can actually be learned by anyone, the steps are not that complicated. All it takes is thoroughness and seriousness in studying it. The following are simple steps for screen printing images or writing on t-shirts .
1. Screen Printing Techniques - Image Design
Drawing or writing design is the first stage of translating an idea/idea into pictures or writing. The idea is designed in such a way as to become an image that is in line with expectations.
The steps for making this image can be done manually, namely drawn with pencils and coloring markers. The weakness of drawing manually is that apart from being long, if there is an error, you have to start over again using a new sheet of drawing paper again.
The second method is assisted by using a computer with design support software such as Coreldraw, Photoshop and so on. The advantage of designing images using a computer is to minimize image errors in the images that are formed so that the results are very good and perfect. Likewise we can have a variety of colors desired. The weakness of using a computer is only on electricity dependency. If the PLN network dies, the design process also stops and is delayed.
2. Screen Printing Technique - Film Negative Printer
After the image design is completed perfectly, the second stage of the image design is printed in negative film format. After the printed film negative is still processed secondly, the next step is to make a stencil. This process is moving the image/master on the screen or stencil. This screen has small pores to enter ink on the surface of the cloth.
3. Screen Printing Techniques - Screen Printing Media
The next stage is the selection of screen printing media , namely cloth, t-shirts , polo shirts and banners. Screen printing media made of cloth has its own advantages and disadvantages. The types of fabrics that are often used for screen printing media are nylon and cotton. Fabrics made from nylon are often used for banners and banners.
T-shirts are also made of nylon. Usually for soccer uniforms, party uniforms and other promotional media. The advantages of nylon fabric are that it is cheap, very elastic, its pores can absorb screen printing ink quickly and dries easily. The disadvantages of nylon include that it fades easily when exposed to rain, sweat, the color fades quickly, and feels uncomfortable on the body when worn.
Fabrics made of cotton are more in demand by consumers because they are made from natural cotton. T-shirts made of cotton quickly absorb screen printing ink, the fabric has large pores and doesn't move easily. If worn feels comfortable on the body and quickly absorbs sweat. Cotton fabric is very flexible to use in various climates in the world.
4. Printing Tenik - Printing
The next stage is the screen printing process on the fabric surface. The surface of the cloth to be printed must be leveled first by stretching it on a plywood board. Then the screen containing the image is filled with screen printing ink. After that it is glued to the surface of the cloth.
In order for the screen printing ink to come out of the pores, it must be flattened and pressed using a rack that is moved vertically. If the image is only one color, then the printing process is enough only once, then in the sun to dry. However, if the image is in color, then it needs to be printed twice with different screens according to the needs of each color. But for the second screen printing stage, wait for the previous screen printing ink to dry first.
5. Screen Printing Tenik - Drying
The final stage is drying the printed media. Drying in the sun gives better results and dries quickly. But during the rainy season, drying is done indoors , by using an auxiliary media, namely petromax. Screen printing media is placed around the lit kerosene. The weakness of indoor drying is that it takes a long time and the ink drying process is imperfect.
Screen Printing Type
The world of screen printing knows several types of screen printing which are distinguished by the type of ink and technique. The following is an explanation of the types of screen printing offered to consumers.
1. Digital Screen Printing
Digital screen printing is an invention of instant and fast printing technology. Digital screen printing techniques do not require as many processes and equipment as manual screen printing in general. The things needed for digital screen printing are an ink jet printer with special ink, negative paper and an iron.
How to screen print is quite simple. The image that the consumer chooses is printed on negative paper, then pasted on a cloth/ t-shirt media . Flatten it until all the paper sticks to the surface of the cloth, then iron it. Let stand for a moment then the paper is removed. Digital screen printing is only suitable for consumers who want a few orders or even just one. The price is relatively cheap.
2. Manual Screen Printing
This technique is done manually by hand. Manual techniques are still used because the results are believed to be better and tidier. Screen printing results from manual processes are in great demand by consumers than digital screen printing. The types of ink from manual screen printing are more numerous and complete. Types of inks on the market include rubber screen printing inks, fleaking screen printing and UV screen printing which can glow in the dark.
Thus a glimpse of the world of screen printing which can be used as a source of family income. Screen printing is a business that never knows silence, whenever messages come and go.