GLOBAL DIGITAL TIMES | POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE THINGS OF THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN SPORTS - In this era of globalization it is very difficult for us to avoid technological developments, in fact very few people do not use technology either in their work or in their daily lives.
However, we do not realize that the use of technology is not entirely profitable, but there are also some that are harmful and even harmful. So, in this article, I will share a little about the positives and negatives of using technology in sports.
Considering the very rapid development of sports at this time in which almost all activities use technology, it is very important for me to convey this. I take an example of one of the sports equipment, namely shoes. You know shoes? yes shoes are footwear that must be worn during sports activities such as football, volleyball, etc. But we need to know that now there is one well-known shoe brand that is releasing high-tech shoes that can increase running speed. Wow amazing isn't it..!
In addition to the shoes that I demonstrated earlier, there are many other technologies that are even more sophisticated. But unfortunately we are more fascinated by its sophistication, but without us realizing that behind its sophistication there are things that have a negative impact on athletes as users. The positives and negatives of using technology in sports viz
clearly it will be very profitable because athletes can more easily get a title or record,
It's not too energy draining, and it looks even better.
because the technology is advanced, of course, it will cost a very large amount.
because it is very easy for the real athlete's skills and abilities to become invisible and even tend not to come out.
But we need to remember that whatever changes we feel, no matter how sophisticated the technology we use, without practicing hard and earnestly, of course the results will not be maximal.
That's a discussion that I can share about the positives and negatives of using technology in sports, hopefully it's useful.